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How to Find the Right Web Developer

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Need to find a developer for an app? Wondering how to find who designed a website? Urgently want to find a startup partner? Don’t have the needed technical expertise to check your candidate? With so many options and alternatives on offer you simply don’t know how to act, right?

First and foremost, stop feeling overwhelmed, here comes the way out! Check this!

To make your products or projects worth bragging about, you need to find the right team who can put all your ideas into reality. With thousands of web developers on market, the main concern you might face today is how to find not only the top talent but the right team for your needs. Below, we have handpicked the list of things to do before you get started with the hiring process. By performing these steps you’ll be able to find web developers for startups or already existing businesses without any hassle.

But before we go further, consider this: these suggestions will be useful both for those who need to hire a freelance web developer or a team member on a day-to-day basis.

And now, let’s dive in! 

Steps to follow to find the right candidate for your project

Determine your ideal candidate:  to help you with that, take a look at any web developer profile sample and analyze which skills your ideal candidate should have, professional and personal. The better way is to have a consultation of the web agency, analysing your particular case, they will be able to recommend the most optimal skillset.

State the particular position requirements: think about all duties and responsibilities the individual should be able to cope with. Think also about the roles of quality assurance engineer being involved into the development.

Decide upon the preferable way of cooperation: decide whether you need to hire staff on an hourly or ‘per project’ basis. For saving reasons, it’s recommended to hire a dedicated developer.

Don’t work directly with the freelancer if you feel you are not enough tech-savvy: we are not joking! Please take this issue seriously since a person might provide you with a good looking piece of work containing multiple bugs or internal errors which you’re simply not aware of. Choosing an outsourcing company not only eliminates those unwanted surprises but also simplifies the whole process of staff finding and hiring.

Get the full picture of the person you are hiring: browse the candidate’s CV, have a look at the Linkedin web designer profile description and company’s profile. Plus, it would be wise to take a peek at the freelance web designer portfolio.Having a closer look at his or her list of implemented projects also seems like an important way to go. Don’t forget to check the Upwork web developer profile.

Make sure your future team member is reliable enough and suits your business needs: It goes without saying, but we remind you to ask the candidate you would like to hire or a company to provide you with the recommendations from  their clients.

Anyway, these are the key steps to follow if you really wish to find a freelance developer or a dedicated developer that will suit your needs. Meanwhile, whilst looking for the perfect candidate can be a daunting task, one thing remains clear: to erase unwanted fears and worries in the stormy sea of web developers for hire, you should choose a reputable outsourcing agency, such as Artelogic. Our technical talent has the needed experience and expertise to guarantee you the highest-quality software development services on time and on budget.

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