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Direct to Customers with Seamless Logistics Tech Trends

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The number of people buying goods online is rising every day, and it is predicted to rise even more. With record sales numbers, retailers are forced to look for a way to deliver orders that will be both effective and profitable.

Users have their expectations about the delivery as well, most turning to the free and fast option if they have a chance. This is the reason why direct-to-customer delivery is growing in popularity. The latest tech trends in logistics are focused on improving it as well. So, let’s review some of the directions the industry has taken and is going to take in the nearest future. 


Internet of Things is indispensable when it comes to cargo delivery. Real-time tracking, warehouse management, and resource consumption analytics would be impossible without device interconnection. Furthermore, its importance is expected to grow even further, with the addition of more sophisticated tech to basic passive sensors.

The IoT evolution will impact both the delivery speed and efficiency and users’ experience. For example, the communication between the cargo and smart systems in the endpoint will ensure the order’s security, even if no one is home. 

DTC delivery future cannot be discussed without mentioning autonomous vehicles. Unfortunately, direct delivery by self-driving car is still far away from reality. New tests are being conducted every day, new vehicle models improving with each iteration, so the hope is not lost.

However, autonomous drone delivery is already a reality. Amazon first announced its Prime Air program in 2013, launched its first public test in 2016, and continues to improve it to this day. In 2019, they plan to launch a new drone with improved air control, security features, and a better machine learning algorithm. 

 AI, machine learning and big data solutions are expected to change multiple industries in the nearest future. Logistics and direct-to-customer delivery are definitely among them. Here are just some of the aspects AI could be applied to:

  • Natural language processing – a language processing machine learning algorithm can be used to improve the efficiency of order handling;
  • Digital delivery system copy – to improve the analysis of the whole delivery system, AI can gather all the data about it and create a digital copy, which can then be processed and optimized by any parameter you want;
  • Advanced role in robotics – as a combination of IoT and AI, the use of robotics is going to be essential in warehouse management and have a crucial role in direct-to-customer delivery overall.

According to many experts, blockchain is considered to be a part of the future of logistics. It can ensure the security of each operation and protect the customer’s personal data. In addition, it can be used for multiple processes automation and independence.

Other experts, however, claim that the popularity of blockchain will soon die out. Multiple startups are considered to be either too hard to realize or not cost-effective at all. So, if you’re planning to invest in a blockchain – be wary of all possible outcomes.

In Conclusion

Keeping up with constantly evolving technology is a hard task. When it comes to logistics and direct-to-customer delivery, it is especially true. Most technologies mentioned on this list require assistance from an expert for a successful implementation.

If you feel that you’re behind your competitors in terms of innovation, don’t worry. The custom software for logistics management we develop can help you to improve your delivery system, better understand your business, and integrate any new technology you see fit. So, don’t waste your time: contact us right away.